Not Sissy at all
I love the song and it is cool how you write and create what goes on with you. I hope you find that time for coffee again.
Not Sissy at all
I love the song and it is cool how you write and create what goes on with you. I hope you find that time for coffee again.
thanks :)
Great Sound
I feel I could trip on the music alone lol. well I am impressed by your style in all now, with some of your others and how this one picks up around 2:30 is fantastic. now all that is left is to see what I dream about with this tonight lol.
xD... well... as long as you are able to come back, it's ok... :), thanks a lot!
Story with music...
I normally do not care but I cannot wait to hear the rest of this story *presses the fave artist button*
now about the song, I cannot really find anything to say other than I like it. Reminds me a bit of Kefka from Final Fantasy VI but with your song being superior.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it... I must warn, It'll be a while before I do the next one... got projects on hold and so little time at hand at the moment :(
Round and Round the Circus Goes.
I love the images that are woven in my mind from listening the this. What at first seems like your average carnival turns to show its true face of the over worked and abused. at one point I could of sworn I seen everything go dark and everyone turned into some sort of undead (the ballerina zombie was awesome.) while the tents and rides rusted and became torn. 10/10 and 5/5 from me, now I go to lurk around your other stuff lol.
Thank you very much :)...
Needed a way to keep my favorites on here, and once I find a good way to get my music off of youtube I will post them here.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 5/17/09